Shared Illusions
Berlin 22/03/2020 – 29/03/2020
Berlin used to be the largest city in Germany stretching over 892 square kilometres with a population of around 3.5 million. Today, and indeed over the last couple of weeks, it has shrunk dramatically to only 80 square meters with a tiny population of just four inhabitants. Luckily, it is rather nice flat and we take pride in the virtue of compromise.
Looking at the wider picture, the EU might be shrinking as well following the publication of various photos and videos showing some Italians replacing EU flags with those of China and Russia. Number of podcasts, filled with utter rage aimed at the EU’s lack of solidarity, were also released. This, of course, might have been just a handful of individuals venting out their frustration but then again, it is clear that the EU as a whole was utterly unprepared for this mess and it will inevitably end up paying a heavy price for it, one way or the other. Staying on the subject of solidarity, China, Russia and Cuba are still flying over their help to most hit European countries while Germany has decided to take at least 47 Covid-19 patients from Italy. Wonderful news, no doubt, but it is clear that much more needs to be done at European level in order to save the union which already appears to be rather shaky after only a few weeks of crises.
In the UK, Prince Charles has tested positive for Covid-19 and so did prime minister Boris Johnson, health secretary Matt Hancock as well as the chief medical officer, professor Chris Witty. Shepherds leading the herd on the way to immunity, one could argue. Although, to me at least, it looks more like a clear case of complacency, neglect and utter incompetence. Not to mention the fact that the chance to procure much needed ventilators was wasted due to urgent email from the EU ending up in Boris Johnson’s spam folder – true story and I don’t blame anyone for thinking that this sounds way too insane to be real. Well, it is indeed insane and very much real, unfortunately. With above in mind, there is little wonder why Italians from worst hit regions are pulling out their loved ones from the UK. They simply think and feel that their sons and daughters will be safer in the Italian purgatory in the middle of epidemics than in the upcoming British hell, and who is to blame them?
As we dive deeper into global Coronavirus crises, capitalism is again turning to socialism to save it from itself. Instead of questioning the system that crashes once every decade or collapses on the sight of slightest crises, western governments are throwing trillions to prop up the failed economy and morally bankrupt modus operandi.
In the US, Federal Reserve fired ‘bazooka’ (that’s the actual word being used all the time – bazooka!) of multi-trillion dollar ‘recovery bill’ that famous director, Michel Moore, characterised as ‘massive thievery which does next to nothing to fight the pandemic and is nothing more than blank cheque to the rich that ordinary people will end up paying for’. Sounds familiar? There are also rumours around the net that crises will be used to finally push forward with the ‘digital dollar‘ idea – capitalist gangster’s wet dream! – so it will be a good idea to keep an eye on this one over the coming weeks and months.
“…the cure cannot be worse than the problem!…” – Trump tweeted a few days ago. Of course, the only way to translate this one is that humans will be sacrificed at the altar of economy. Perfectly ethical thing to do in the minds of neoliberal monsters in charge.
The Onion, world famous satirical online paper, published what is arguably one of the best articles on the crises so far, titled “U.S. Economy Grinds To Halt As Nation Realizes Money Just a Symbolic, Mutually Shared Illusion”. Pure brilliance on multiple levels!
In the UK, it has been announced that the British government is effectively nationalising the state’s railways while towards end of the week, the unthinkable happened, all councils have been ordered to house thousands upon thousands of homeless people across the country. Are they going to be thrown out back onto the streets once the crisis is over? Are they going to privatise back the railways? Is predatory neoliberal capitalism simply going to stand up, dust itself off and carry on like nothing’s happened? In case people don’t realise what is the real problem here, this is indeed the most likely outcome.
Looking at the brighter side, all McDonald’s restaurants are now closed in the UK and most of Europe. This will result in mass detoxification of human beings and whatever the number of deaths Covid-19 will cause, due to this, probably the equal number will be saved. Also, last week we witnessed a record drop in crime, allegedly up to 20% in some areas of the UK and Europe – you can screw around with coppers but not with Corona!
In another equally bright news, the U.S. alone has lost more than 500.000 millionaires so far with numbers set to grow dramatically over the coming weeks. Furthermore, not only that Corona doesn’t like neoliberal capitalism, it doesn’t like neo-imperialism, too! France is pulling its troops out of Iraq after the UK did the same one week earlier. By the way, the US military confirmed the 1st Covid-19 case inside the Pentagon itself. Investigation is underway to determine if it can dance Hopak and Kozachok and if so, there will be little doubt it is Russians to blame! Rachel Maddow will be able to confirm this one pretty soon if she hasn’t already done so by now. Back in Italy, few young engineers figured out a brilliant 3D printed hack that turns scuba gear into ventilator masks. Wonderful stuff – we must keep our heads above the water and stay positive at all times!
Neoliberal capitalism removed from us our true-self while turning entire societies into a dumb, soulless debt-paying machines. We should be using self isolation and social distancing to reflect upon ourselves and by doing this, hopefully, realise that there is more to it all than infinite, mind numbing cycle of going to work and paying off the bills. Sleeping child inside of us all should awake now and spread its dreams like wings beyond the matrix of illusions this system has entrapped us with. Sooner the better… or else!
Shared Illusions
Berlin 22/03/2020 – 29/03/2020
Berlin used to be the largest city in Germany stretching over 892 square kilometres with a population of around 3.5 million. Today, and indeed over the last couple of weeks, it has shrunk dramatically to only 80 square meters with a tiny population of just four inhabitants. Luckily, it is rather nice flat and we take pride in the virtue of compromise.
Looking at the wider picture, the EU might be shrinking as well following the publication of various photos and videos showing some Italians replacing EU flags with those of China and Russia. Number of podcasts, filled with utter rage aimed at the EU’s lack of solidarity, were also released. This, of course, might have been just a handful of individuals venting out their frustration but then again, it is clear that the EU as a whole was utterly unprepared for this mess and it will inevitably end up paying a heavy price for it, one way or the other. Staying on the subject of solidarity, China, Russia and Cuba are still flying over their help to most hit European countries while Germany has decided to take at least 47 Covid-19 patients from Italy. Wonderful news, no doubt, but it is clear that much more needs to be done at European level in order to save the union which already appears to be rather shaky after only a few weeks of crises.
In the UK, Prince Charles has tested positive for Covid-19 and so did prime minister Boris Johnson, health secretary Matt Hancock as well as the chief medical officer, professor Chris Witty. Shepherds leading the herd on the way to immunity, one could argue. Although, to me at least, it looks more like a clear case of complacency, neglect and utter incompetence. Not to mention the fact that the chance to procure much needed ventilators was wasted due to urgent email from the EU ending up in Boris Johnson’s spam folder – true story and I don’t blame anyone for thinking that this sounds way too insane to be real. Well, it is indeed insane and very much real, unfortunately. With above in mind, there is little wonder why Italians from worst hit regions are pulling out their loved ones from the UK. They simply think and feel that their sons and daughters will be safer in the Italian purgatory in the middle of epidemics than in the upcoming British hell, and who is to blame them?
As we dive deeper into global Coronavirus crises, capitalism is again turning to socialism to save it from itself. Instead of questioning the system that crashes once every decade or collapses on the sight of slightest crises, western governments are throwing trillions to prop up the failed economy and morally bankrupt modus operandi.
In the US, Federal Reserve fired ‘bazooka’ (that’s the actual word being used all the time – bazooka!) of multi-trillion dollar ‘recovery bill’ that famous director, Michel Moore, characterised as ‘massive thievery which does next to nothing to fight the pandemic and is nothing more than blank cheque to the rich that ordinary people will end up paying for’. Sounds familiar? There are also rumours around the net that crises will be used to finally push forward with the ‘digital dollar‘ idea – capitalist gangster’s wet dream! – so it will be a good idea to keep an eye on this one over the coming weeks and months.
“…the cure cannot be worse than the problem!…” – Trump tweeted a few days ago. Of course, the only way to translate this one is that humans will be sacrificed at the altar of economy. Perfectly ethical thing to do in the minds of neoliberal monsters in charge.
The Onion, world famous satirical online paper, published what is arguably one of the best articles on the crises so far, titled “U.S. Economy Grinds To Halt As Nation Realizes Money Just a Symbolic, Mutually Shared Illusion”. Pure brilliance on multiple levels!
In the UK, it has been announced that the British government is effectively nationalising the state’s railways while towards end of the week, the unthinkable happened, all councils have been ordered to house thousands upon thousands of homeless people across the country. Are they going to be thrown out back onto the streets once the crisis is over? Are they going to privatise back the railways? Is predatory neoliberal capitalism simply going to stand up, dust itself off and carry on like nothing’s happened? In case people don’t realise what is the real problem here, this is indeed the most likely outcome.
Looking at the brighter side, all McDonald’s restaurants are now closed in the UK and most of Europe. This will result in mass detoxification of human beings and whatever the number of deaths Covid-19 will cause, due to this, probably the equal number will be saved. Also, last week we witnessed a record drop in crime, allegedly up to 20% in some areas of the UK and Europe – you can screw around with coppers but not with Corona!
In another equally bright news, the U.S. alone has lost more than 500.000 millionaires so far with numbers set to grow dramatically over the coming weeks. Furthermore, not only that Corona doesn’t like neoliberal capitalism, it doesn’t like neo-imperialism, too! France is pulling its troops out of Iraq after the UK did the same one week earlier. By the way, the US military confirmed the 1st Covid-19 case inside the Pentagon itself. Investigation is underway to determine if it can dance Hopak and Kozachok and if so, there will be little doubt it is Russians to blame! Rachel Maddow will be able to confirm this one pretty soon if she hasn’t already done so by now. Back in Italy, few young engineers figured out a brilliant 3D printed hack that turns scuba gear into ventilator masks. Wonderful stuff – we must keep our heads above the water and stay positive at all times!
Neoliberal capitalism removed from us our true-self while turning entire societies into a dumb, soulless debt-paying machines. We should be using self isolation and social distancing to reflect upon ourselves and by doing this, hopefully, realise that there is more to it all than infinite, mind numbing cycle of going to work and paying off the bills. Sleeping child inside of us all should awake now and spread its dreams like wings beyond the matrix of illusions this system has entrapped us with. Sooner the better… or else!