Web Dizajn • Željezni Paket


(5 recenzije korisnika)

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Ovaj paket je posebno dizajniran za klijente sa malim budžetom koji žele simplificiranu web stranicu dizajniranu u kratkom vremenskom roku. Željezni paket obuhvata instalaciju WordPress sistema za upravljanje sadržajem zajedno sa dizajnom web stranice u veličini do četiri sekcije.

Nakon početnog dijaloga ili korespodencije, ponudićemo vam dizajn koji će savršeno odgovarati potrebama vašeg biznisa! Naravno, takođe ste slobodni da nam dostavite osobni dizajn ili WordPress temu ako ih imate.

Molim Obratite Pažnju! – Ako planirate da imate više od četiri sekcije na web stranici, svaka dodatna sekcija će biti naplaćena 75 funti. Prije nego što se odlučite za ovu opciju, vjerovatno ćete željeti da pogledate druge web dizajn pakete koje nudimo jer bi mogli bolje da odgovaraju vašim potrebama.

Sa ovim paketom nudimo samo bazične dizajn zahvate kao što su promjena boja, fontova i slično. Svi kompleksniji dizajn zahvati se dodatno naplaćuju.

Domeni i usluge web hostinga nisu uključeni u cijenu i mogu se kupiti zasebno (cijene počinju od £70 godišnje).

5 recenzija za Web Dizajn • Željezni Paket

  1. Hrvatski

    Debra Berger

    Thank you so much for a fantastic experience in what could’ve been very confusing & frustrating for me. I am extremely happy with the results!!! Ogy was always a delight to work with & patient at all times. I felt I was in good hands with someone who knew how to advise me professionally to have the best results while listening and interpreted exactly what I wanted.

    Five stars doesn’t seem to be enough!

    I can’t imagine working with anyone more qualified or more professional & friendly.
    I am not only very happy with the result, I also feel the price was extremely reasonable for what I got.

    THANK YOU!!!

  2. Hrvatski

    T.E. Hirst

    Ogy always seems to know what is needed to be done and helps to make the experience painless, which is what is needed when the technical side can appear so confusing.

    I always feel as though I am in more than capable, and friendly, hands and always pleased with the results.

  3. Hrvatski

    Sarianne Korhonen

    Ogy is talented, creative and professional web-designer. He really knows what you want. The prosess was easy for me, I was guided very well all the time and he was patient during the prosess.
    I’m really pleased with the resalts!

  4. Hrvatski

    Verity & Sophie (DBH)

    Ogy is really Talented in web design. He helped us with all our website needs and gave great education on how to run the site thereafter. Really prompt responses to emails and finds a way around things to help Taylor the site to your business needs. We couldn’t have done it without him. If your looking for a painless experience and friendly professional service he’s your guy. We will use him for other service in the future & will be recommending to others.

  5. Hrvatski

    Maria Byrne

    Ogy is very professional and efficient and made the whole process extremely easy and client friendly. I would have no hesitation in recommending his service. Thank you Ogy.

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